Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre Search

Online data search of sites, habitats and species within Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire

Let's get started
GLNP map

Why should you use LERC Search for your environmental searches in Lincolnshire?

<p><strong>24/7 Access</strong> with instant results</p>

24/7 Access with instant results

<p>Over <strong>10 million species records</strong></p>

Over 10 million species records

<p><strong>All statutory and non-statutory</strong> sites</p>

All statutory and non-statutory sites

<p><strong>A fixed price</strong> for searches, regardless of radius</p>

A fixed price for searches, regardless of radius

<p><strong>Filterable Excel spreadsheet</strong> of results</p>

Filterable Excel spreadsheet of results

<p>Data from Lincolnshire, North and North East Lincolnshire <strong>including all local groups</strong></p>

Data from Lincolnshire, North and North East Lincolnshire including all local groups

Gain access to our comprehensive data records for Greater Lincolnshire
Access now

What you'll receive...

A highly detailed sites, habitats and species report for your searched area

Downloadable PDFs and a filterable spreadsheet

Secure access to previous searches for 12 months

See example report
Example results

How much does LERC Search cost?

We charge a fixed price for each search - no matter what the radius.


(plus VAT)

per standard search

Sign up

How do I get access to the LERC Search?


Simply complete the online form below.



We’ll do a few checks to make sure LERC Search is the best option for you.


Begin your search

We’ll email your login details so you can login and have access to search the data anytime.

Sign up to access LERC Search

Simply complete the form and we’ll help you get access. Already have an account? Log in to get started.


Not an ecological consultant? Get in touch. Following the guidelines for accessing data published by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), we can only provide data for use in relation with developments to ecological consultants.

Questions? No problem, call us on 01507 528 381 or email

Our funders

The GLNP is grateful for funding towards this project from the following organisations.