Found across all of Greater Lincolnshire lowland meadows include a variety of grasslands including some of those called pasture or wildflower meadows and those that are managed by cutting or grazing. The key features are that they are on neutral soils and have a wide range of flowering plants resulting from low nutrients and continued management.
Lowland meadows are important for wildlife as the vast majority of this habitat has been lost, what remains is particularly important. The plants that make up this habitat and depend on it are often uncommon. Lowland meadows are also important for invertebrates and a wide range of birds.
Permanent pasture was a common form of lowland meadow in Lincolnshire in the past but lowland meadows can be found outside the agricultural landscape as road verges, in churchyards, cemeteries, parks, and village greens for examples. The most common characteristics these areas share now is that they are small areas at risk of losing their features through changes to management or nutrient inputs. However there are a number of characteristic flowering species that should be relatively recognisable after visits to several sites.