East Lindsey Neighbourhood Plan Advice

The GLNP feel that it is important for all stakeholders to be involved in the planning process, as such we are keen to work closely with Local Authorities and communities to prepare local policy which achieves mutual benefits for nature and society while meeting the multiple objectives required by national policy and legislation.  

Below are the key points that we feel should be considered in the development of your Neighbourhood Plan. This advice is based on the joint values and positions as agreed by our members.



Development must be done in a sustainable way. Paragraph 7 of the NPPF states that the purpose of the planning system is to “contribute to the achievement of sustainable development”. This includes an environmental objective which requires planning to “protect and enhance our natural, built and historic environment; including making effective use of land, improving biodiversity, using natural resources prudently, minimising waste and pollution, and mitigating and adapting to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy” (NPPF, Paragraph 8c).


Biodiversity and Geodiversity

Biodiversity losses in Greater Lincolnshire have been huge and still continue. It is important that this is reversed, therefore development should not only avoid harming the existing natural environment, but also contribute to net gains in biodiversity.

Existing valuable sites and species must be protected and seen as part of an ecological network. Therefore the impacts beyond the development must be considered, along with identifying opportunities for enhancement including by connecting sites and habitats.

Geodiversity is the variety of rocks, minerals, soils and landscapes together with natural processes which form them. Our geodiversity provides resources needed to sustain our way of life. The value of this is not well recognised within the planning system currently. The particular geodiversity resources of Greater Lincolnshire need to be recognised, protected and enhanced.

Paragraph 174d of the NPPF calls for plans to protect and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity by …minimising impacts on and providing net gains for biodiversity, including by establishing coherent ecological networks that are more resilient to current and future pressures;” while paragraph 175 states that Plans should “…take a strategic approach to maintaining and enhancing networks of habitats and green infrastructure; and plan for the enhancement of natural capital at a catchment or landscape scale across local authority boundaries.

Paragraph 179 of the NPPF calls for plans to protect and enhance biodiversity and geodiversity and that they should:

a) Identify, map and safeguard components of local wildlife-rich habitats and wider ecological networks, including the hierarchy of international, national and locally designated sites of importance for biodiversity; wildlife corridors and stepping stones that connect them; and areas identified by national and local partnerships for habitat management, enhancement, restoration or creation, and

b) promote the conservation, restoration and enhancement of priority habitats, ecological networks and the protection and recovery of priority species; and identify and pursue opportunities for securing measurable net gains for biodiversity.”

Paragraph of 12.10 of the East Lindsey Local Plan states that “Enhancing  biodiversity  is  one  of  the  key principles  of  sustainable  development” it goes on to explain that “The  District Council, along with other  public  bodies,  has  a  duty  under  The  Natural  Environment  and Rural Communities  (NERC) Act  to  have  regard  to  biodiversity  conservation  when carrying out  its  functions.Policy 24 of the Plan requires that “development  proposals  should  seek  to  protect  and  enhance  the biodiversity  and  geodiversity  value  of land  and  buildings,  and  minimise fragmentation and  maximise  opportunities  for  connection between natural  habitats.

Neighbourhood plans should reflect national and local policy regarding the protection and enhancement of the natural environment including net gains for biodiversity, the enhancement of ecological networks and protection of Geodiversity.


Green Infrastructure

It is important that the planning system recognises the concept of natural capital and the wider benefits that the natural environment has for society. These multiple benefits can be delivered by integrating biodiverse green infrastructure into both existing and new development. Green infrastructure could:

  • Form part of a Sustainable Urban Drainage scheme of a new development;
  • Form cycle ways and be part of a sustainable traffic scheme;
  • Develop green routes for pollution absorption contributing to health agendas;
  • Enhance local landscapes and distinctiveness, therefore improving the tourism offer;
  • Increase property values and help with future investment potential.

Paragraph 20d of the NPPF states that strategic policies should make sufficient provision for “conservation and enhancement of the natural… environment, including landscapes and green infrastructure” while paragraph 34 requires plans to “set out the contributions expected from development” including “infrastructure (such as that needed for education, health, transport, flood and water management, green and digital infrastructure).”

Furthermore paragraph 92c makes it clear that, along with other community services, planning policies should “aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe places which enable and support healthy lifestyles…through the provision of safe and accessible green infrastructure…”  

Paragraph 12.21 of the East Lindsey Local Plan describes green infrastructure as “an  important  component  part  of  place  making  and  quality  of  life. which has  many  benefits  to  the  environment  and to  both  individuals  and  the community  as  a whole.Policy 25 states that “The Council will  safeguard  and  deliver  a  network  of accessible green  infrastructure by maximising  opportunities  for  new  and  enhanced  green infrastructure  and  publically  accessible  open  spaces  in  and around  all  communities” as well as seeking “opportunities  to  connect  existing  green infrastructure  to improve  the  network  of  spaces  and  accessibility  for  both  the  local population and  wildlife.

Neighbourhood plans should recognise the importance of green infrastructure and the multiple benefits it provides for society, it should reflect national and local policy. Green

infrastructure strategy should seek to help planning meet mutual objectives for nature and society.


Climate change

The effects of climate change are already being felt and are likely to become worse. The protection, enhancement and management of the natural environment is a crucial part adapting to these effects. Healthy ecological networks rich with biodiverse habitats are also important for climate change mitigation, absorbing greenhouse gasses and offsetting any carbon that cannot be reduced. This is a key aspect of meeting national and local net zero targets by 2050.

Paragraph 8c of the NPPF states that the environmental objective for sustainable development includes “mitigating and adapting to climate change, including moving to a low carbon economy” while paragraph 20d calls for strategic policies to make sufficient provision for and planning measures to “address climate change mitigation and adaptation”. Paragraph 153 goes into more detail highlighting the requirement for Plans to “take a proactive approach to mitigating and adapting to climate change, taking into account the long-term implications for flood risk, coastal change, water supply, biodiversity and landscapes, and the risk of overheating from rising temperatures” it goes on to state that policies should “support appropriate measures to ensure the future resilience of communities and infrastructure to climate change impacts”.

The East Lindsey Local Plan’s vision (paragraph 1.5) includes “a commitment to tackling the causes and effects of global climate change through local action.Paragraph 1.11 states that this will be achieved in a number of ways including commitments to “Maintain and enhance the District`s biodiversity” and “support the linking of areas of importance for biodiversity to assist in the provision of a green infrastructure network.

Neighbourhood plans should recognise the role of the natural environment in fulfilling requirements for the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. This should include both relevant opportunities for offsetting emissions and the use of green infrastructure to reduce the impacts of climate change. The susceptibility to the effects of climate change of any habitats used must be considered to ensure long term effectiveness.


Data and evidence

Credible data is central to ensuring effective local planning and policy making. Supporting data for your Neighbourhood Plan is available by contacting the GLNP at info@glnp.org.uk.

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