GLNP drops new BOM for North Lincolnshire

Maps showing existing ecological networks and opportunities for habitat creation across North Lincolnshire have been produced by the GLNP.

The Biodiversity Opportunity Map (BOM) has been created as part of North Lincolnshire Council's obligations to produce a new Local Plan, under the revised National Planning Policy Framework.

The services of the GLNP were engaged by the Council to undertake the work because of the Team's expertise in GIS mapping and experience with the Central Lincolnshire BOM.

The process of producing the BOM began with a desktop exercise using data held by Lincolnshire Environmental Records Centre (LERC) which is managed by the GLNP. Two maps were produced at this stage, the first identifying areas of habitat value that are physically linked i.e. an ecological network. A second map then builds on the ecological network by looking at potential opportunities for biodiversity in the surrounding area.

The maps produced as part of the desktop exercise were then 'ground truthed' by local stakeholders with expert knowledge of the area.

Production of the North Lincolnshire BOM has enabled the GLNP to develop and document a process for undertaking the work which can not only be consistently updated over time but also consistently applied to Greater Lincolnshire as a whole.

The entire process was completed in only a few months and demonstrates how the strength of North Lincolnshire Council's existing relationship with the GLNP as a Partner enabled work to get underway quickly and smoothly.

The authority was delighted with the quality of the final product and the service provided by GLNP in undertaking the work. As a result North Lincolnshire Council has also asked the Team to produce the Green Infrastructure map for their Local Plan.

If you would like to know more about how the GLNP can work with you to produce a BOM for your area of interest, please get in touch with the Team.
