The GLNP are today pleased to announce the launch of the 3rd edition of the guidelines and criteria for the identification and selection of Local Wildlife Sites in Greater Lincolnshire. This edition of the guidelines includes updates and minor revisions, together with clarification of the survey, decision making and selection procedures. First published in 2006, this document has already led to the selection of almost 900 Local Wildlife Sites. Local Wildlife Sites, along with biological Sites of Special Scientific Interest, are the most important places for wildlife at a local level. The GLNP seeks to identify every site that satisfies the selection criteria presented in this document, thus recognising a comprehensive suite of sites. This launch represents a culmination of two years' work, including extensive testing and a pilot programme in the 2012 survey season. Five completely new criteria have been written, one for brownfield mosaic, three for grazing marsh and one for notable plants. There was also a major overhaul of the woodland criteria to enable more equitable assessment of ancient, secondary and wet woodlands. This document is intended for use by local authority planning departments and Local Wildlife Site surveyors, but most importantly by the GLNP's Local Wildlife Site Panel as they assess each candidate site. Developing and agreeing criteria in this way helps to establish a robust evidence base for designating these sites within Local Plans, and ensures a transparent and consistent approach across Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. Categories Partnership