Priority habitat: Open mosaic habitats on previously developed land.
Urban habitats occur within Greater Lincolnshire’s city, towns, and villages. These are usually confined to small clusters of buildings and associated spaces within extensive areas of mainly agricultural land. Most residential buildings have a garden and most villages and hamlets have a churchyard or green. The buildings mostly originate from the last three centuries but their potential to support wildlife has decreased as building styles and techniques have changed. Many animals in urban areas now depend more on the provision of separate nesting or roosting structures. All local authorities are required by the Government to produce a local plan to help shape the future development of towns, villages and countryside over the next 10-20 years. These plans and policies are key to ensuring that development takes biodiversity into account and provides green infrastructure for the benefit of people and wildlife.
An increasing awareness of climate change and the ecosystem services provided by natural habitats, including benefits for health and wellbeing should help to influence changes to people’s lifestyles and building and open space designs. Many new designs provide opportunities to incorporate bat- and swift-friendly roofing; garden ponds (which can double as water storage); and micro-energy generation, to name a few. The aim of the action plan is to conserve existing biodiversity associated with traditional buildings, structures and open spaces and to raise awareness of how residential building, with or without an individual garden, can contribute to enhancement of biodiversity. Vision for Greater Lincolnshire’s urban habitats: