Who pollinated your breakfast?

Pollinators will be the focus of a breakfast meeting taking place at the University of Lincoln later this month.

The event, one of a series held throughout the year at Riseholme Campus, will include a presentation by the GLNP's Sarah Baker on the work being undertaken with farmers across Lincolnshire to improve habitat for pollinators.

Other speakers will include Dr Sandra Varga, a lecturer in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Lincoln on Mycorrihzal fungi as modulators of pollinators. Sandra's main scientific interest is understanding how plants interact with their environment, linking below ground and above ground processes. Sandra will talk about her work with pollinators and in particular mycorrhizal fungi as important components of most ecosystems, including agricultural ones.

She will be followed by Chief Executive Office of Bumbleebee Conservation Trust Gill Perkins on Bumblebees – lifecycle, declines, importance, PLUS 'Bee Steward', a predictive model for bumblebee pollination services in agro-systems.

Sarah will then talk about the work the GLNP has been doing to develop an approach to support wild pollinators on farmland which is low cost both in terms of initial outlay but also ongoing management.

Finally Nicholas Watts of Vine House Farm will talk about Farming in partnership with wildlife and the conservation work he has undertaken to try and reverse declines in breeding bird species on his farm.

Booking for the event which takes place on Thursday 28 March is essential and should be by email to ESeamer@lincoln.ac.uk
